1. Awww…Beth what sweet words…for all mothers but precious for your own daughter. You may not remember me but my husband and I moved to Georgia last year and we fell in love with your church. Unfortunately when our daughter came along it just became too far of a drive for the kiddos. We miss you all terribly but know you are a huge blessing to everyone you meet and though I have only been around you a hand full of times… You are more than enough…YOU ARE A DAUGHTER OF THE KING AND HE IS USING YOU IN MIGHTY WAYS!! Thanks for being a blessing to me and for sharing!!

  2. Wow i really needed this as I am a foster mom to twin infants . I also have a 10 year old bio daughter and we are expecting a baby in April. I feel at times my oldest gets not enough of me but i just learned or should say relearned that my God is enough for her and he can meet her needs where I couldn’t. Glad I took a minute to read your blog to today. The God who created the universe is enough..

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