Upcoming Events

01/10/25 -01/11/25
Langdale Methodist Women’s Retreat
Experience the drama of Becoming Ruth, one of Beth’s most loved and requested retreat series. Langdale Methodist Church in Valley, Alabama

01/24/25 – 01/25/25
Soul on Fire Women’s Conference
Women’s Conference held at Telephone, Texas

02/21/25- 02/22/25
Women’s Conference
Christ Community Church, Sumter, South Carolina

03/07/25 – 03/09/25
Women’s Retreat
First Baptist Church, North Augusta, SC. Held in Bonclarken, NC

03/28/25 – 03/29/25
Women’s Retreat
Carlsbad, New Mexico
Would you like Beth to speak at your upcoming event?
Use this form to inquire and we will be back with you shortly!
Speaking/Event FAQ
Q : What are the event fees?
A : Know & Follow is committed to making gathering around God’s Word a possibility for all women. Therefore, we do not have a structured fee requirement. We do have suggestions based on the number of times Beth would be speaking, travel, etc. Our ministry is dedicated to helping make in-person events a possibility, so even if you think your church or organization doesn’t have the funds needed, let’s talk! Others give so Know & Follow can go!