1. I am half way through the licensing prrocess. I found the book The Foster Parenting Manual by Dr John DeGarmo is wonderful. As a foster child and now a Foster Patent himself his books are very insightful.

  2. Thanks for this post! I am a brand new Foster parent (received our first placement Jan 13th- a 2 day old baby girl). I also have 2 bio children ages 4 and 2 and am the wife of a pastor. I was digging around the internet scouring for support resources for Foster Parents and came across your blog and it really hit home. I so wish we could be actual friends or at least I could shamelessly ask you to Mentor me through this new life stage as I bet we have so many things in common 🙂 That said, I am eagerly following your blog and look forward to the virtual support along this new and crazy faith-filled journey. Please keep posting and I will in turn, keep gleaning. Thank you.

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