1. You are certainly expressing biblical hospitality. A friend recently described the difference between “entertaining” people in your home and true hospitality. She stated that when you “entertain” people in your home, the focus is on impressing them. True hospitality focuses on making people feel at home. That is exactly what you have done for this precious little one (and all those who have entered your home). You are a blessing!

    1. Good word, Debbie. Far to many times I’ve practiced “entertaining” rather than hospitality. Working to let the Lord change this in me!

  2. My husband and I do foster care too! Love finding others who are doing this incredible work! Blessings! Found you through the Allume twitter party tonight 🙂

    1. Just hopped over to The Ruth Experience. Love it! I hope to meet you at Allume. Confession: I was totally overwhelmed at the Twitter party last night. Have you been to Allume before?

    2. Thanks Beth! I love your blog too! I have never been to Allume and was totally overwhelmed last night too! But I won something, so I must have done something right ;). I would love to meet at Allume, if you want, find me on Facebook and we could chat!

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